
Köpenickerstr. 147
10997 Berlin
+ 49 170 8013862
mail [at]
I was born in Berlin and grew up in the tranquil borough of Zehlendorf spendig my youth on basketball courts and the shady swimming spots of Schlachtensee. After studying in Berlin, Helsinki and London I moved back to my hometown and set up a collaborative color-darkroom with other photography graduates. Meanwhile we share a studio and have exchanged the developing machine for an inkjet printer. After having studied photography artistically and briefly cultivating a kind of ironic appropriation approach I soon discovered that I am actually interested in real people and their stories. I am very grateful that this job gives me the chance to travel and have insights into peoples lives, that I wouldn´t normally have. These encounters however short they may be broaden my horizon in forever new ways. I am quite easy to get along with and really enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and seeing how they live and work and understanding what drives them. When I am not taking pictures I am most likely spending time outdoors with my family and friends, preferably near the forest or a lake feeling the sandy soil of Mark Brandenburg under my feet. A ball of some sort is my regular companion and sometimes a fishing rod. I like baking bread and, well, listening to the radio. I am available for assignments of all sorts and occasionally teach courses and photography workshops, at the UdK Berlin and the KH Weissensee as well as for corporate clients.
selected clients, magazines and agencies // Beck´s, Bertelsmann, Bildgiesserei Noack, BMG, Burda, BSR, BVE Hamburg, Caritas, Daimler, Deutsche Börse Group, EnBW, Ergo Versicherung, EWE, KfW, Land Rover, Mitsubishi Motors, Volkswagen //ADAC Reisemagazin, Air Magazine, Atrium, Beef!, Brand eins, Change Magazin, Chrismon, Db mobil, Essen&Trinken, FR Magazin, Neon, Stern, Himmelblau Magazin, Handelsblatt, Impulse, Men´s Health, Focus, D La Repubblica, Vogue (GB), Weltwoche (CH) // Bartoskersten, Eiga design, Jung von Matt/Alster, Einhorn solutions, formwechsel, Holler Sidney, Infel ag, minigram, Mutabor, Peperoni, ringzwei, Scholz&Friends Berlin, Zum Goldenen Hirschen
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